Yo Frekky! Chiefs15 is right about KARMA

screenshot-wordpress.com-2019.12 (6)biting you! Remember how you lied about me being charged with child abuse with the fake newspaper clipping you posted on DeafVideo.TV?!!

Remember what you, Dawn N.
Winkler-Huffman said about
karma working for you?
YUP! Karma! Works wonderfully for me too!
screenshot-www.smallvoices.org-2019.12.02-06_36_19 (1)
Looky! Interesting how the
forensic interviews
screenshot-www.smallvoices.org-2019.12.02-06_34_48 (1)
screenshot-wordpress.com-2019.12 (3)screenshot-www.vocabulary.com-2019.12.02-06_20_17screenshot-webcache.googleusercontent.com-2019.12.02-08_12_40screenshot-wordpress.com-2019.12 (2)
Animated GIFAnimated GIFShame on you, Dawn N. Winkler-Huffman and remember as you said before,
Image result for animated gif pointing laughingDON’T FUCK WITH KARMA“!

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