Posting my name, address, and my picture on an online dating site, eh, Kaboom

aka ☞Dawn Malone-Huffman?!! It makes you a cyberstalker stalking me which is against the law, ya hater much? So what if I am or am not gay.

Dawn Malone-Huffman, you  said you can easily fist my head all the way into the ground?

dirol Well, why don’t you come on down to my hometown and find out?!! I got people here who hates child molesters, ya know, especially toward the people who are an enablers of child molesters like you. I’m sure they will be very happy to see you.

mocking Get on with your merry life?

Your ☞live-in ex-husband got arrested for sexually molesting your eight-year-old granddaughter on your own bed, your 2 children hates your guts, one of them said you are dead to him since high school.

JC-LOL Merry life indeed!

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