You, Karen L. Hogston, committed crimes of cyberstalking Rayline by posting her home address,

got involved with Rayline’s family, slandered and defamed Rayline by making false accusation against Rayline. are evidences of your crimes of cyberstalking Rayline. You Karen L. Hogston posted Rayline’s home address, (39)This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is
got involved with Rayline’s family, her brother,
and made a vile, sickening, slanderous, sicko post defaming Rayline by maliciously making false  accusation of her using coke bottle as a dildo on ☞Brian Tayler Mayer’s website, DeafVideo.TV. was the only person who called Karen L. Hogston out about what she did to Rayline. Funny thing, the clan cronies constantly ☞cyberharassed her too.

Look at the sick
bitch, ☞Karen L. Hogston

mocking Rayline after she made complaints.

Look what happened after Karen L. Hogston did this to ☞Rayline.