Difference of mothering by Violet Bracy and Dawn Malone-Huffman

toward their son.

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Check out the reason why Pope feels this way about Dawn Malone-Huffman.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is screenshot-lookandsee930637310.wordpress.com-2020.12.05-03_29_32.pngEver seen what Dawn Malone-Huffman has said and done to Pope on social media? I was absolutely horrified! Here’s some example:

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What kind of a mother would do that to her own son, I ask?

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is screenshot-gab.com-2020.12.05-04_06_56.pngThis image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is screenshot-gab.com-2020.12.05-04_10_35.pngThis image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is screenshot-gab.com-2020.12.05-04_11_00.pngThis image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is screenshot-wordpress.com-2020.12.04-21_57_38.pngof Violet Bracy getting lots of L♡VE from her son and having such a good
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so you had to go slandering Violet Bracy by falsely accusing her of sleeping with her son on Brian “Tayler” Mayer’s website!

Seriously Dawn Malone-Huffman, you’re a disgusting person!
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This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is screenshot-www.google.com-2020.12.04-22_29_41.png

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