5 thoughts on “OH please, edoedo!”

  1. DeafSnake, I have nothing with you But why do you have to made vlog up for me? Come on, DS. You suppose to be to know better than shit. Only is me and Zack until he have to give it up and admit who use Kaboom that is very FUCK serious threat on me with his bad attitude and want kill me
    when she/he found where I live? Then thats violence during weak mask w/o identify? Then its ILLEGAL to threat, YOU KNOW IT?! COME ON, SD! How come you told that some one did threat you when they clone your facebook page and then you found out who threat you, did you? So then what about some one did not want to let me know who threat on me, HUH?! thats fucking conflict!! OF course they afraid of me, yeah I think so!

    So now, SD, I do nothing with you but you bring it up and blunt me for what? Thats fucking NOT MAKE SENSE! So then I have to say to you…..Will you get fucking out of my face and go away from me and STFU, get it?!

    FUCK!! Remember Zick did tell me that Kaboom is KGB (He DID point at KGB!, DUH!) But then few months later and then Zick just pointed at Vicki is Kaboom and not KGB, WTF?! Don’t you get it, SD?!?!?!? You just fuck DO NOT GET IT? FUCK!!!

    LOOK at Zick, MFER!!! Dammit SD! Sheez.

    Zick, why the fuck is you KEEP vlog and blunt to me so FUCK MANY TIMES, WHY?! Are you fucking play by yourself and try to make different story make me confuse? NO! FUCK YOU, …and AGAIN FUCK YOU, Z!

    How come you keep drama in DVTV so far. Mocking Willearl2, and others too (few). You are fucking NOT to grow up, MFer!!!!

    And last one for you, Zick….you better fuck stop doing funny of my video with gif? Cant you give it up, MFer?! thats fucking bullying, GET IT, Joseph Bader?!?!?!?!?

    FUCK FUCK!!!

    Zack….zack…zack, STFU, I know I am just pissing off, yes! BUT COME ON…who is fucking Kaboom?! I have to charge she/he for threat to me real big serious! YOU KNOW ITS FUCKING WRONG BUT YOU JUST DO NOT CARE? THEN I have to keep chasing after you until you give it up, MFER!!!! Because you keep vlog and blunt on me repeat and repeat….DAMN IT!

    What an asshole, Zack1324! You are real fucking idiot ever I watch you in DVTV are now becoming BRAINWASH, MFER!!! Thats why you and Frekky cause them start drama and other dvtv members start leave for reason is YOU and FREKKY RUIN THEIR LIFE!

    *sigh* Damn you…..Thats fuck disgust to me!!

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