Bullying situations on DeafVideo.TV

screenshot-mail.google.com-2020.01 (2)

screenshot-www.deafvideo.tv-2020.01 - 2020-01-27T201830.546Blueglowangel057  spoke the truth about Dawn N. Winkler-Huffman being a bully especially toward Bulldog.

Blueglowangel057, Slyfox68, and saif as the bystanders are the solution screenshot-lookandsee930637310.wordpress.com-2020.01.30-22_08_11


while the rest of the bystanders like Dawn N. Winkler-Huffman and her Diarrhea Mouth Villianers are the problem

Yo Dawn N. Winkler-Huffman!

Speaking for yourself and your Diarrhea Mouth Villainers, eh?!!

Be gone!

6 thoughts on “Bullying situations on DeafVideo.TV”

  1. Yeah, Frekky always elitism, diversity, Incite (whatever you name it what she is) to each every one in DVTV members and we (every one) too. Real honest, I always beside *KNEW* that she is NOT INTEGRITY…FUCK NO……I mean she fucks TWO-FACE, ASSHOLE! When I just looked at her in few years back and then until I got some realize about her always playing the games on us very well. *sigh*….I just already know her patterns from now on.

    Alright, I better STFU my self….C-Fist Frekky!

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