Dawn N. Winkler-Huffman’s post for Bulldog,

screenshot-web.archive.org-2020.02 (93) complaining about the number of my stars on DeafVideo.TV andscreenshot-web.archive.org-2020.02 (94)

on Harold Ambeau’s former website, Rebel Posts:
screenshot-wordpress.com-2020.03.14-04_29_24My post for ☞Dawn N. Winkler-Huffman on DeafVideo.TV. I busted her after reading Kaboom’s comment on Rebel Posts! Told her she was Kaboom.
screenshot-web.archive.org-2020.02 - 2020-02-21T020632.205
It was Dawn N. Winkler-Huffman herself who started complaining about the number of stars I got then the rest started too because they now knew Dawn N. Winkler-Huffman and her clan are stars and fist bump cheaters.

So don’t blame the ☞DVTVers, blame it on Dawn N. Winkler-Huffman and her clan.

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