Ella Eakins? About the word bystanders?

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You asked if purplegecko and Wondergent are a good or bad bystanders and if people vlog and comment on DeafVideo.TV, are they considered bystanders? screenshot-wordpress.com-2020.07.23-05_49_46

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Ella Eakins, here’s the meaning of the word bystanders below:
So the answer to your question is no, purplegecko, Wondergent and the rest of the DVTVers who vlogs or leave comments are not bystanders.screenshot-wordpress.com-2020.05.20-10_44_51Bystanders are people like you, Ella Eakins
when you witnessed 2 of your clan cronies, Eric Troy Martinson verbally sexually assaulted simplegal and ☞UA mocking Spiritual Warfare. You, Ella Eakins, didn’t say anything or try to stop it.

Eric Troy Martinson said simplegal got a black clitoris and sorry that they can’t help her cum again because her pussy is dead.

screenshot-www.google.com-2020.07.24-02_53_01 So it makes you, Ella Eakins, a bystander.

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