Ella Eakins, looks like it’s you who’s the stalker not TurnYourBrainOn.



I don’t see any thing that would qualify TurnYourBrainOn as a stalker. He got 198 videos and he posted only 4 videos for you and none of it was bullying or stalking. It was just a few blunt posts for you about your behavior towards the others.
According to this above about the signs of stalking, you, Ella Eakins and your clan did all of this and TurnYourBrainOn didn’t..

Your clan’s posts compared to TurnYourBrainOn posts for you wasn’t sexually explicit like ☞Eric Troy Martinson andDawn N. Winkler-Huffman, he didn’t post false rumors like what ☞Dawn N. Winkler-Huffman did and he didn’t post your ☞personal information like what Karen L. Hogston did.screenshot-crystallaneroad.wordpress.com-2020.07.23-23_34_03
screenshot-lookandsee930637310.wordpress.com-2020.07.31-10_42_40I do see how you would qualify as a stalker by the several posts you made encouraging your clan to cyber mob the others.
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One of TurnYourBrainOn’s blunt post for you about your habit of getting your clan to attack the others and the post you made about Michelles which resulted in your clan cyber mobbing her.

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One bystander turned into an upstander when he told your clan enough.
Animated GIF You posted a lot of bullying posts targeting ASLfreedom and encouraged your clan to attack him.

Oh, by the way, Ella Eakins, telling people how many videos ASLfreedom2 made? Really! Like it’s any of your business.
Animated GIF
Animated GIFBlunt post by TurnYourBrainOn about the obsession you seem to have with ASLfreedom2.
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screenshot-wordpress.com-2020.07.31-07_56_05screenshot-wordpress.com-2020.07.31-07_53_45Ella Eakins, your  post targeting ASLfreedom2 yet again.

Asking your clan to vote which character traits ASLfreedom2 have?


As you know, Ella Eakins, Bulldog left DeafVideo TV to get away from the constant bullying she received from you, Dawn N. Winkler-Huffman, Joseph A. Bader and the rest of your clan but
your clan still made nasty, defaming, slanderous posts about Bulldog after she left so Spiritual Warfare defended Bulldog in her posts for her.
Then you posted this!
Asking if Spiritual Warfare is a good or bad upstander?

This one was unbelievable! Saying it’s OK for ☞Dawn N. Winkler-Huffman to attack Bulldog because it is not called bullying?

Yup Ella Eakins! You indeed are a stalker and about ☞Spiritual Warfare.

An apology is needed from you to TurnYourBrainOn for slandering, falsely accusing him as a stalker and demanding Tayler Mayer to ban him, don’t you think, Ella Eakins?!!

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