Harold Ambeau lied to Jeff Vigures on DeafVodCast

Jeff Vigures asked Harold Ambeau why I have a problem with him. Harold Ambeau told him it was because he banned me from his former website, Deaf Pirate Video.

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Not true at all! Harold Ambeau never banned me from Deaf Pirate Video!

Near the very last time on Deaf Pirate Video, Harold Ambeau announced he changed his mind about not allowing faceless on Deaf Pirate Video and welcomed faceless back on Deaf Pirate Video.

Only 3 faceless came back which was Deaf_Gothic, Buddha9 and me.

It got Dawn Malone-Huffman and several other people mad about faceless being allowed back on Deaf Pirate Video.

5 posts by Dawn Malone-Huffman. The 2 underlined in red was her accusing Buddha9 and me of being one and same person with several different user names. The 3 underlined in black was her raging against the faceless.
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My posts on Deaf Pirate Video.
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Buddha9 left comments for Dawn Malone-Huffman asking to solve the problem she had with Buddha9. You should see what the bitch said to Buddha9!
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I remember being so pissed off with the comments by ☞edoedo and Dawn Malone-Huffman condoning violence towards Buddha9. And to think she was on DeafVodCast with Sheri Tillett relating to domestic violence! Made my skin crawl! And that edoedo! So misogynist!
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Check out ☞DeafPowerE’s post and commenters, Harold Ambeau, Dawn Malone-Huffman, edoedo49, Bearon, Buddha9, MochaCat50, Kgb, coolcrazyguy50, Joan, Deaf_Gothic, FPS Avas, and thefallenangel.
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is screenshot-lookandsee930637310.wordpress.com-2020.08.20-14_10_03.png
My post for Harold Ambeau with commenter, coolcrazyguy50. OH! I had fun leaving my comments for him! He was so irritated by ☞me.

screenshot-web.archive.org-2020.04.21-07_53_29Animated GIFThen Harold Ambeau posted about the word “DERP“. Apparently this “DERP” person had been harassing Harold Ambeau and some of the DPVers whom they all had assumed “Derp” was one of us faceless people namely me and Buddha9 which explained their abusive behavior toward us.

See what Harold Ambeau said? It was his own people who were “DERP“ and they were not “Faceless“!

Harold Ambeau named Nemesis as the ☞”DERP” and shut down Deaf Pirate Video.
screenshot-web.archive.org-2020.04.21-07_00_21Look at Buddha9 and my comments for Harold Ambeau which shows proof Harold Ambeau lied about banning me from his website.
Funny how me and Buddha9, the faceless who were blamed as being the ☞”DERP” were the only people who thanked Harold Ambeau after he shut down his website, eh?!!

No apologies from him and his people for accusing us of being the “Derp” and he flat out lied about banning me from Deaf Pirate Video to Jeff Vigures live on DeafVodCast.

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And you said?!!


39 thoughts on “Harold Ambeau lied to Jeff Vigures on DeafVodCast”

  1. Vicki and I have nothing to do with these people.. Lo81 aka LoSaelee did that until Zack1324 join with their habit addicit computer 7/24 hour a week.. I barely use my computer.. Just facebook most and my email .. that it is .. but willing to come here to message. Fuck you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Lo cannot written a english perfect.. likely I am hacking your account.. or some kind.. Zack1324 wrote that the english for Lo81. Bullshit it is not his english.. he speaking break the english. bullshit Bullshit.. YOU’re one person to use Thumbup account are hacker.. Zack1324 aka Joseph Bader use his fake user. FUCK YOU! you are lying to Harold .. TSK TSK!

      Liked by 1 person

            1. Yep, he have three different disabilities, Cerebral Palsy, Autism and development disabilities due unexpecting birth and I almost forgot he is deaf. Of course.. he have other deaf cousins. Camper’s wife is related to Lo Saelee he have deaf uncle and great niece and one more I cannot remember.

              Liked by 1 person

      1. Lo do not have Waardensburg Syndromes. Bullshit he do not have white patch or different blue and brown or hazel . etc.
        Possible, Zack’s screen is Waardensburg, Syndromes. Go check on google website. Warrdensburg is bullshit!

        Liked by 1 person

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