Ha! Ha! Ha! Dawn N. Malone-Huffman!

I don’t do no doctoring up like what you did with the fake newspaper article making it look like I twisted a little boy’s genitals and charged with child abuse! screenshot-www.deafvideo.tv-2019.12.31-19_43_39screenshot-wordpress.com-2019.12 (6)
OK! My turn! Here’s the real truth and evidence of your live-in ☞ex-husband, Richard M. Huffman, sexually molesting your eight-year-old granddaughter.

Interesting statement from miamivice! Begin transcript: Shame on you! Letting your ex-husband in your house, shame on you! I feel sorry for the kid. You knew your ex-husband’s history! End transcript.

So funny what you said to me. Begin transcript:
Honestly, you should be put on a stake and quartered. End transcript.

Begin transcript: One less evil, vile person from this earth. End transcript.
My turn again!

It’s you the enabler of child molester and your ex-husband, Richard Huffman, the child molester who needs to be put on a stake and quartered. Two less evil, vile people on this earth.

And ☞HNY to you too!

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