Yo Dawn N. Malone-Huffman, you said, trash site is automatic stalking, automatic harassment, eh?!!

Well, look below at the several complaints about the cyberbullying going on at Brian Tayler Mayer’s website, DeafVideo.TV.

Excerpt from
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You, Tayler, have chosen to attack me with falsehoods and name-calling. I know I have challenged you. I see that this challenge, which comes from love, has hurt you. I now fully understand that you cannot enforce guidelines that you yourself actively ☞violate.
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is screenshot-deafyouvideo.blogspot.com-2021.01.09-01_10_31.pngThis image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is screenshot-deafyouvideo.blogspot.com-2021.01.09-01_08_34.png

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is screenshot-www.deaf-hope.org-2021.01.09-02_22_55.pngscreenshot-www.google.com-2020.02.02-18_40_43Brian Tayler Mayer signed the DeafHope Cyberbullying pact yet he failed to ☞stop the violence and failed to provide ☞safe cyberspace on his ☞website.
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Three letters for Brian Tayler Mayer regarding the cyberbullying going on his website. From a lawyer regarding the
abusive videos by you screenshot-web.archive.org-2020.03.04-13_33_24Dawn N. Malone-Huffman toward the LGBT community,☞Part~1,
Part~2,from Deaf Abused Women’s Network and
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from ☞Advocacy Service For Deaf Abused Victims.

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