Eric Troy Martinson? Remember on this date, January 6th, 2017,

you said I will probably die in about 5 years?
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Well, 2022 is coming soon so we wait and see if you were right or not and another thing, I took the death test. Here’s the result.

Doesn’t say I will die in the year 2022.
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is screenshot-crystallaneroad_wordpress_com-2021.12.09-22_16_51.pngThis image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Grave Gravestone Headstone Cemetary Cemetery Skeleton RIP ... Looks like your life expectancy will be greatly reduced!
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DEATH GIFs - Find & Share on GIPHYWhy don’t you go find out how much longer you got left to live on or will you be too chicken to take the test?!!

Middle Finger Skull GIFs | TenorOH, by the way,
it wasn’t me who inboxed you, fool.
See you later, asshole.

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