Deaf Hunter! It’s you who’s looking foolish not TurnYourBrainOn!

Dumb people? Nope! It’s smart people who are not blind! Wrong! TurnYourBrainOn is not a liar!

What TurnYourBrainOn said Ella Eakins did is the truth!

Here’s the evidences below!
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Three posts by Ella Eakins for Brain “Tayler” Mayer!

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Ella Eakins
name-called TurnYourBrainOn “Chubby Santa Stalker”!

The nerve of Ella Eakins demanding Brian “Tayler” Mayer to ban TurnYourBrainOn!

Told you TurnYourBrainOn didn’t lie! It’s Ella Eakins who’s the liar!
Huh GIFs | Tenor
Looking foolish much, Deaf Hunter?!! And shame on you! You owe TurnYourBrainOn an apology and so do you, Ella Eakins!

What are you talking about Ella Eakins? Never done anything to TurnYourBrainOn?
OH please!
Quit being such a ☞liar!

Watch TurnYourBrainOn’s full video ☞here.

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